Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can one cover up walls without painting or wall papering them ina rental home?

The owner is picky is there something you can stick on that won't damage the walls? Or do you think I shouls just paint the walls a simple color and see what she says when it comes time to move out?|||You can starch fabric to the wall without damage. I'm both a landlord and an interior designer and this is an easy way to get an inexpensive wall treatment without damaging the wall. We've also done it for military families who have to rent and move a lot. You simply purchase one of those wallpaper trays, a lot of liquid starch and some discount fabric from the clearance section of the fabric store. Use a lightweight fabric because it adheres better. Soak the fabric in the liquid starch and starting in the corners, lay the fabric against the wall use a burnisher, putty applicator or credit card to smooth out the bubbles. Use a craft knife either to cut off the excess fabric at the base board (the hard way) or pre-measure the fabric to fit the length of the wall before hanging (make it a little longer because some fabric shrinks). Over lay the next width of fabric slightly on the first until you get to the corner. The last width of fabric may have to be cut to size before hanging if the width is shorter than the fabric. You can embellish the edges with gimp, ribbon, fringe, lace, etc. by using spray adhesive on the back to attach it to the fabric. When you leave, grab a corner and pull. The starch releases and so does the fabric. You may have to wash the walls with 409 in any shiny areas that the starch leaves, but it is almost imperceptible that anything was ever there. And, it can be easily painted over, as well.|||Most places will allow you to paint provided when you move out you repaint into original colour. You can create your own art work by making large frame and stretching canvas over it and then making large 'colour splashes' of art! You will be able to take them with you when you move as well!|||Use can drape that around and make the room look totally different. Plus then if you move to another house the with same rules you can take it with you or reuse it one day to make curtains!|||A colorful quilt is a great thing to hang on a wall. Or you could hang a nice weaving, or even a rug.

You could also put a large book case unit against the wall you want to cover (or put together your own with boards and bricks, like we did in the 60s!).|||You could paint, if you don't like the color it is. Or you could use pictures or wall hangings.|||You can hang fabric. Put tacking strips along the top and bottom of the wall. Staple fabric on the top and then stretch down to the bottom and staple there.

You can also buy 4x8 sheets of luan plywood and paint them the color you love. Hang the plywood like you would be hanging a large painting. This will add color but when you're ready to leave, the color goes with you.

Being a former landlord myself, I will tell you that a paint job done by a tenant leaving is never as well done as a professional painter. You would need to get it in writing if she agreed to allow you to repaint before you vacate.|||Or hang curtains or sheets over the walls.|||I drew on my walls with charcoal.

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