Saturday, November 19, 2011

What type of fish can i put ina goldfish bowl?

One of my bettas moved to a community tank recently and i have this empty goldfish bowl. I wanted to put something in it, so what kind of fish,snail,or shrimp can i put in here?

|||Have you thought about a small planted terrarium? I bought one just for that purpose. I planted a fish bowl with venus fly traps.鈥?/a>|||what size is the bowl? ||| don't get a gold fish cuz they poop a lot and you'l have to clean the bowl every two days

get a beta they sell them at petsmart for 2.99

plus they are prettier than goldfish

and cheaper to feed|||Put a male betta in there. You could put some ghost shrimp or about every kind of snail in there. You CANNOT!!! put a goldfish in a bowl like that. Goldfish need at least a 20 gallon tank. |||goldfish crackers|||betta is best|||You put a Betta in a community tank? Thats normally frowned upon. How is he doing?

Betta's are the only fish that do well in a fish bowl, but even then the bowl should be at least 3 gallons, preferably 5 (most bowls aren't that big). Goldfish don't belong in goldfish bowls, it is possible to keep them alive but you need to change the water very often, like every two days. Also goldfish bowls are normally to small for goldfish, ammonia levels will definitely be on the rise.|||plastic ones|||african dwarf frog....|||a goldfish or beta is optimal for a fishbowl

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