Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to leave a footprint ina players' life to show ur something different & not something he has already seen?

what act hits a players' heart the most? what can you do to become something special and/or unique to someone who have pretty much seen the whole world itself. I'm talking to this guy and he seems like a huuuge challenge but i'll need help on this one.. please don't give me the "be yourself" because i think i might just need more than that. Thanks :/|||Well my current boyfriend is an ex-player and we have been going out on and off for around 6 months. What worked with me was making sure he knows you care for him, but also playing hard to get AND vulnerable at the same time. It was tricky, but it all worked out in the end, i love him, he loves me and we're now in a comitted relationship :)

Good luck (: x|||Retain a lot of mystery and when he appears interested just draw away slightly and make it appear like you are the challenge and that you have a lot to offer. Be intriguing. Act totally supremely confident without being full of yourself, as if you have everything you want in the world already. He will wonder what you have that's so special.|||Act like you don't want him at all. Play hard to get, but make sure your acting is really believable.

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