Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it possible to get Clearcoat ina spray can?

I'm restoring an old Magna BMX and I painted the handlebars black. all i need to do is take the rust off the chain and clearcoat the handlebars to call it done. I can't find it in any autoparts stores though.|||Yes you should be able to get a auto parts store. Duplicolor makes it. Also a hardware store or craft shop that has spray paint should have it. I believe Krylon makes it also...........UJN|||Yea they sell it for sure, but if you cant find it in a partstore the only other place I can think of is a Wal-Mart or Ace Hardware.|||If you really want to get it done right, and have it last, pay the couple extra bucks and have someone do shouldnt cost too much|||yep|||sure, it comes in spray cans and any hardware store or even walmart's carry it.

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